On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks
Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 3 (2020) no. 6, pp. 1231-1258.

We study shifted standard Young tableaux (SYT). The limiting surface of uniformly random shifted SYT of staircase shape is determined, with the integers in the SYT as heights. This implies via properties of the Edelman–Greene bijection results about random 132-avoiding sorting networks, including limit shapes for trajectories and intermediate permutations. Moreover, the expected number of adjacencies in SYT is considered. It is shown that on average each row and each column of a shifted SYT of staircase shape contains precisely one adjacency.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/alco.133
Classification: 60C05, 05E15, 68P10
Keywords: Shifted standard Young tableaux, random 132-avoiding sorting networks

Linusson, Svante 1; Potka, Samu 1; Sulzgruber, Robin 1

1 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Stockholm Sweden
License: CC-BY 4.0
Copyrights: The authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights
     author = {Linusson, Svante and Potka, Samu and Sulzgruber, Robin},
     title = {On random shifted standard {Young} tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks},
     journal = {Algebraic Combinatorics},
     pages = {1231--1258},
     publisher = {MathOA foundation},
     volume = {3},
     number = {6},
     year = {2020},
     doi = {10.5802/alco.133},
     language = {en},
     url = {https://alco.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/alco.133/}
AU  - Linusson, Svante
AU  - Potka, Samu
AU  - Sulzgruber, Robin
TI  - On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks
JO  - Algebraic Combinatorics
PY  - 2020
SP  - 1231
EP  - 1258
VL  - 3
IS  - 6
PB  - MathOA foundation
UR  - https://alco.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/alco.133/
DO  - 10.5802/alco.133
LA  - en
ID  - ALCO_2020__3_6_1231_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Linusson, Svante
%A Potka, Samu
%A Sulzgruber, Robin
%T On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks
%J Algebraic Combinatorics
%D 2020
%P 1231-1258
%V 3
%N 6
%I MathOA foundation
%U https://alco.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/alco.133/
%R 10.5802/alco.133
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Linusson, Svante; Potka, Samu; Sulzgruber, Robin. On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks. Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 3 (2020) no. 6, pp. 1231-1258. doi : 10.5802/alco.133. https://alco.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/alco.133/

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