Petrie symmetric functions
Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 5 (2022) no. 5, pp. 947-1013.

For any positive integer k and nonnegative integer m, we consider the symmetric function Gk,m defined as the sum of all monomials of degree m that involve only exponents smaller than k. We call Gk,m a Petrie symmetric function in honor of Flinders Petrie, as the coefficients in its expansion in the Schur basis are determinants of Petrie matrices (and thus belong to 0,1,-1 by a classical result of Gordon and Wilkinson). More generally, we prove a Pieri-like rule for expanding a product of the form Gk,m·s μ in the Schur basis whenever μ is a partition; all coefficients in this expansion belong to 0,1,-1. We also show that Gk,1,Gk,2,Gk,3,... form an algebraically independent generating set for the symmetric functions when 1-k is invertible in the base ring, and we prove a conjecture of Liu and Polo about the expansion of Gk,2k-1 in the Schur basis.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/alco.232
Classification: 05E05
Keywords: symmetric functions, Schur functions, Schur polynomials, combinatorial Hopf algebras, Petrie matrices, Pieri rules, Murnaghan–Nakayama rule

Grinberg, Darij 1

1 Drexel University Korman Center 15 S 33rd Street Office #263 Philadelphia, PA 19104 (USA)
License: CC-BY 4.0
Copyrights: The authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights
     author = {Grinberg, Darij},
     title = {Petrie symmetric functions},
     journal = {Algebraic Combinatorics},
     pages = {947--1013},
     publisher = {The Combinatorics Consortium},
     volume = {5},
     number = {5},
     year = {2022},
     doi = {10.5802/alco.232},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Grinberg, Darij
TI  - Petrie symmetric functions
JO  - Algebraic Combinatorics
PY  - 2022
SP  - 947
EP  - 1013
VL  - 5
IS  - 5
PB  - The Combinatorics Consortium
UR  -
DO  - 10.5802/alco.232
LA  - en
ID  - ALCO_2022__5_5_947_0
ER  - 
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%A Grinberg, Darij
%T Petrie symmetric functions
%J Algebraic Combinatorics
%D 2022
%P 947-1013
%V 5
%N 5
%I The Combinatorics Consortium
%R 10.5802/alco.232
%G en
%F ALCO_2022__5_5_947_0
Grinberg, Darij. Petrie symmetric functions. Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 5 (2022) no. 5, pp. 947-1013. doi : 10.5802/alco.232.

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