In this survey we discuss some of the significant contributions of Ian Goulden and David Jackson in the areas of classical enumeration, symmetric functions, factorizations of permutations, and algebraic foundations of quantum field theory. Through their groundbreaking textbook, Combinatorial Enumeration, and their numerous research papers, both together and with their many students, they have had an influence in areas of bioinformatics, mathematical chemistry, algorithmic computer science, and theoretical physics. Here we review and set in context highlights of their 40 years of collaborative work.
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Keywords: combinatorial enumeration, factorizations, Lagrange inversion, Hurwitz numbers, KP hierarchy, maps, symmetric functions, immanants
Foley, Angèle M. 1; Morales, Alejandro H. 2; Rattan, Amarpreet 3; Yeats, Karen 4

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Foley, Angèle M.; Morales, Alejandro H.; Rattan, Amarpreet; Yeats, Karen. Combinatorial and Algebraic Enumeration: a survey of the work of Ian P. Goulden and David M. Jackson. Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 5 (2022) no. 6, pp. 1205-1226. doi : 10.5802/alco.269.
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